Restore password

You will receive a link to create a new password by email.


User Management

The User Management section helps you effectively organize your support team, manage roles, distribute tasks, and maintain control over interactions with your customers.


Members allow you to add and manage your support agents or administrators.

• To add a new member:

• Click the ”+” button.

• Select a User from the list.

• Assign a Role:

Admin: Full access, can manage users, departments, and settings.

Agent: Limited access, handles customer interactions assigned to their department.

• Click Save.


Departments help you efficiently distribute customer interactions to specialized groups (e.g., Sales, Support, Billing).

• To create a new department:

• Enter a clear Name and a brief Description.

• Assign Members who will handle interactions within this department.

• Click Save to apply.

Ban List

• The Ban List allows you to manage banned users or IP addresses to prevent unwanted interactions.

• When needed, you can ban users directly from the chat interface and view them in this section, along with their ban reason and the date.

Efficient user management ensures a streamlined and responsive customer support experience.
