User Management
The User Management section helps you effectively organize your support team, manage roles, distribute tasks, and maintain control over interactions with your customers.

• Members allow you to add and manage your support agents or administrators.
• To add a new member:
• Click the ”+” button.
• Select a User from the list.
• Assign a Role:
• Admin: Full access, can manage users, departments, and settings.
• Agent: Limited access, handles customer interactions assigned to their department.
• Click Save.
• Departments help you efficiently distribute customer interactions to specialized groups (e.g., Sales, Support, Billing).
• To create a new department:
• Enter a clear Name and a brief Description.
• Assign Members who will handle interactions within this department.
• Click Save to apply.
Ban List
• The Ban List allows you to manage banned users or IP addresses to prevent unwanted interactions.
• When needed, you can ban users directly from the chat interface and view them in this section, along with their ban reason and the date.
Efficient user management ensures a streamlined and responsive customer support experience.