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Folders and Documents

Folders & Documents:

Organize your automations into customizable folders for efficient management.

View and manage all your automation documents in one centralized area.

📌 Folders

Purpose: Organize automations logically.

How to Create a Folder:

1. Click the Folder icon (+) at the top right.

2. Enter a meaningful Folder name.

3. Click Create.

You can easily search your folders by using the Folder Search.

📌 Documents

Purpose: Individual automations stored within folders.

How to Create a Document:

1. Click the Document icon (+) at the top right.

2. Enter a clear Document name.

3. Select a folder to categorize your automation.

4. Click Create.

All documents created appear within your selected folder and can be quickly accessed or modified.

Viewing and Managing Documents

List of Documents View:

• Switch between List of folders and List of documents tabs to see either all folders or all documents across folders.

• Search for specific documents or automation tasks using the File Search feature.

Document Management Actions:

Start/Pause: Toggle automations ON or OFF anytime, giving you full control over running tasks.

Rename Document: Click the pencil icon ✏️ to update the document name easily.Delete Document: Click the trash icon 🗑️ to remove automations you no longer need. Deleted items move to Trash, where they can be restored or permanently removed.
